Welcome to our new look website!

Monday Mixed Pairs League - The Out Out Bar V The Vic A game on 7th October was postponed. Game to be played 23rd December.

Monday Mixed Pairs League - The Vic A V The Crown Inn game on 25th November was postponed. Game to be played 30th December.

Thursday Men's League - DIVISION 1 - The Bettws RFC A V Dodger A game on 5th December was postponed. Game to be played 13th February.

Thursday Men's League - DIVISION 2 - The Ringland Labour V Bettws RFC B game on 17th October was postponed. Game to be played 26th December.

League Rules

1 - First half of the oche fees are to be paid up front, second half of the oche fees are to be paid by the 5th January 2025.

2 - New players can register for a team in any league at any time.

3a - Monday Mixed Pairs Format – 401 Best of three, 5 Pairs, consisting of one man and one woman.

3b - Monday Mixed Pairs - 4-A-Side Competition - There is NO specific order in which this must be played, but the order chosen must remain the same throughout the match, until it has finished.

4 - Tuesday Ladies Format – 401 best of three, 2 Pairs and 3 Singles (played in that order).

5 - Thursday Men's Format – 501 best of three, 2 Pairs and 5 Singles (played in that order).

6 - The minimum throwing distance will be 7ft 9¾ inches and the dartboard should be 5ft 8 inches from the floor to the bull's centre.

7 - All matchboards and lighting must be of an acceptable standard.

8 - There are no age restrictions for the league, but if you do have anyone under the age of 16 playing, please contact the pub/ club you are playing to ensure they are allowed in to play.

9 - There should be one marker and caller from either team to do each game.

10 - Away teams must present their names on the card first. Full first name and surname must be recorded on the result card for both teams.

11a - Each team captain needs to sign the scorecard at the end of the match and arrange for a copy of the result card to be sent to the appropriate league message groups on Facebook.

11b - The winning team is responsible for posting the result card to the appropriate league message groups on Facebook, by the Sunday of the same week the game is played.

11c - A late result card will result in 2 bonus points being deducted from the winning team.

12 - All matches must start at 8pm and the home team must “open the board” by 7:45pm to allow the away team to practice.

13 - A player can’t play for more than one team at a time and will be banned from the league if found doing so.

14 - Any complaints must be made in writing or email and given to someone on the committee.

15 - Players must throw for the bull in leg 1. The winner of the bull throws first in legs 1 and 3 (if applicable).

16 - A player may not transfer from one team to another unless that team has dropped out altogether.

17 - Male players may not play in the ladies' league and vice versa.

18 - One player may not take place of a pair (competitions or league).

19 - Matches must be played on the night stipulated unless given permission by the committee.

20 - Any unsporting behaviour will not be tolerated within any league and any player or team found acting in such a manner will be dealt with accordingly by the committee via a committee meeting and may result in a fine, loss of points or a ban from the league.

21 - Any team or player failing to pay a fine will be expelled from the league.

22 - The Newport Central Darts League reserves the right to refuse any person or team entry to the leagues or competitions.

23 - 2 bonus points will be awarded to winning teams.

24 - Penalties - For fielding an unregistered player = £2.50 fine and 2 points deducted. For fielding a person under another name = £5 fine and 5 points deducted.

25 - No players are allowed to play in Newport Central Darts League if he or she is playing in any other darts league on the same night, for example a player cannot play on a Thursday Night in the NCDL and compete in another league on that same Thursday night or any following Thursday. This can only be done under special circumstance but must be given permission by the committee.

26 - Any extra trophies that a team requires must be paid for before the presentation evening. This team will be contacted to arrange this payment.

27 - Cancellation of 2 games per season will be allowed with a minimum of 24 hours' notice to be given except in exceptional circumstances. The cancellation is to be notified to the league committee as soon as possible. A team may not cancel another game until any previous cancelled games have been played.

28a - Teams are required to turn up to matches with a sufficient number of players, however if you attend matches with an insufficient amount, you are still able to play the game, but you will forfeit the games you are unable to provide a different player to play the match. For example; Men's Thursday if you turn up with 3 you will forfeit a singles game and a pairs game.

28b - Tuesday Ladies - Should a team not have sufficient players to raise a side on the night, a draw shall be made amongst the players who have already played (in the pairs), to decide who will play the remaining outstanding game('s) to play.

29 - Players will be eligible to play in competitions if they play at least 1 league game.

30 - Competition formats will be the same as the league formats, except for competition grand final's where the format will be best of 5.

If anyone has any issues with these rules or are unsure about any of them, please feel free to contact any member of the committee. Changes to rules agreed at the 2024 AGM are printed in purple.